Stop topical steroid abuse!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Hope for the Hopeless!!!!!

These 1st pictures are of Kline a year ago on Topical steroids.  As you can see they were not helping at all anymore and burned so badly when we put them on.

Here is this week!!!  49 weeks OFF the steroids , 11 months (he used continually for 2.5/ 3 years, as instructed by our doctors)!!!!!!  They say you have to use steroids to heal your skin, ah I think NOT!!!!

~Kline update~

49 weeks....he has had a great week less and less baths and less and less itchy flares!!!!  Yesterday friday he did not get int he bath once!!!!! So far today he has not gotten in the bath either! We are on our way people......on our way!!!!


  1. Woohoo!!! Keep it up Warrior Kline!!!! xoxoxoxo from Geanna

  2. Such great news and pictures. So happy to see that Kline is on the way out of this hole called TSAW. Glad to see that you are finally getting to appreciate Kline and your time with him instead of dreading each wake up morning. We Love you! Love 'em everyday! GMa & GPa

  3. This is AWESOME! Pretty soon, you're going to have to be begging him to get in the tub to get clean :)

  4. OMG what a TRULY AMAZING thing to see! His body is healing itself! Wish I could give a big hug to you and Kline. Love, Tip

  5. hi, i'm janek from czech republic and i've been through something similar, not that bad though, since i was 3. back in comunistic early eighties the doctors experimented on me a lot.without any success.the only good advice was to visit the sea.. which we've managed just once in 10 years... so that sea water definitely works, but what works the best is self healing. homeopathics are definitely better then any other pills. and then something even more better and straightforward: it was advice from one great healer back in czech: self-healing meditation (kids are way better in it, thanks to their fantasy), but it takes time and patience.. what worked for me the fastest and best was urinotherapy, basically you have to pee on yourself and it is the truest homeopathic method ever. works in days! it is worth to try it! it may stink a bit, but if you are fancy, you can get along with it by washing it with clear water after the spots stop itching.
    i wish you good luck, lot of patience,faith and God bless you. if you have any questions:

  6. Excellent++++++++++
    I hope very soon you post a message that Kline completely healed : )


  7. Thanks everyone...I just rebooked at these pic and nearly started to cry, I can not even believe what he felt like through this whole precesss....and even today when he flares. He is so brave and I am so proud of him and I so wish this is over soon! Xoxo

  8. Thank you for creating this blog - my 10 month old daughter has had eczema since a few weeks old, and I have been getting a lot of family/doctor pressure to use steroids. I have been refusing - I had to use steroids as a child and had a lot of problems from it (although nothing like your son's), but I waver as I watch her wake up crying and scratching and my heart breaks for the pain she is in. This is giving me that extra push I need to find the root of her eczema, rather than "solving" the problem with steroids...

    1. That is so wonderful Anna.....that is the main reason I do this blog!!! I am so sorry you are struggling with your daughters skin, if u friend me on Facebook, I can add you to the eczema parent support group I started...lots of ideas and lot of support from people who know your pain and your daughters itch! Loren Beth meier/ Mccormac best of luck, xoxoxo

  9. Congratulations, your perseverance has paid off! Your son looks amazing..

  10. He looks great Loren. Very happy to see this. Did you use any of the products you said you were ordering a couple of months ago... Sappo Hill Soap and Cal Ben detergent... did you get your husband to switch any products? Just curious if you were trying any of those methods with success.

    1. No hubby didn't change from Irish spring soap ..even though I bought the toms on...and we did your router a few days but the barriers seemed to make him insanely itchyer. I do use the coconut soap that u suggested, but not really on Kane just for myself.

  11. Loren....I just finished reading your entire blog and I am in tears!! You have helped me soooo much!!! Never knew a thing about steroid withdrawal...but it makes perfect sense! I threw out my OTC cream I use every few days. I know the future brings more hell for me as I have been on steroids on/off for 40 years! No wonder my liver is on the brink of failing! I had tried EVERYTHING under the sun and the only relief I got was a natural organic diet. I lost 100 lbs and my skin cleared up for a year. Then back to work I went and out went the diet. And I am back at square one with my eczema. I have most of the withdrawal symptoms....the burning pain is the worst. All I can say is thank you for taking the time to find a cure for your son!! I wish my mom had taken even a smidgen of time that you did to help find a cure and not a bandaid. You are to be commended and for all the times you feel like a shitty mom....let me tell you that you are the best mom ever!!! You have risen above it have moved heaven and earth to find relief for your son!! I cannot tell you how much that makes me cry for joy! I know personally the hell your son has gone through....the blood all over the clothes, the weeping, the shedding, the itching, the pain, and yes you are right....the sleeplessness is the worst of it all! It made me into super mean mommy and a horrible person to be around. Thankfully I am past the hardest times (I think)....pregnancy nearly destroyed me. It was more than my body can take. And when I head down that road of waking up itching and tossing and turning I freak out thinking it is going to come back! I know now I have to go through some tough times to get through the withdrawal, but you have given me hope and I cannot thank you enough for that!!

    1. Wow, working mom...I am honored! Please friend me on Facebook and I will add u to all the tsa support will need it!! Loren Beth meier- Mccormac thank you so much I am so happy klines story gives you hope. It is a terrible road but worth every second!!!!! In the end to be free of debilitating skin disorders......amazing! Kline went to his first dance class today and loved it and did not itch at all. We still have a wa till full healed but we r getting there and so will u! Xoxoxo loren

  12. Hi Loren,

    I am currently going through withdrawal 1 month in. It is horrible. But seeing Kline's happy smile gives me hope and makes me smile also. Thankyou!


  13. Hi there, my story is quite long and I am sure similar to so many out there. I have a little boy that just turned one yesterday. we have been battling eczema since he was 4 months old. It started as a "drool rash" which I knew was not. Long story short my allergidt wants him to use steroid cream daily on his face. We have gone to 3 naturopaths,his pediatrician, 2 allergists, 7 pediatric dermatologists. We rehomed our dogs, blew through our savings for every alternative cure out there. You name it we have done it!! He has another staph infection at the moment and since is officially off steroid cream for 4 days now for the first time in 4 months his face has gone from an around the mouth rash a full face flare with spots on his arms and behind his knees. I am brastfeeding nonstop because he never took to food or bottles or sippy cups. Needless to say I am by myself and exhausted. My last hope is a homeopath consult on Tuesday.Did kline get staph infections during his withdrawal? Since you are weeping how did you know it wasn't an infection? Thanks for sharing yur story!! I don't know if my son has rss but after blood tests and eliminations eczema just sucks! Even with steroids it was horrible. I am at a loss.

  14. I am so glad he is getting better. Good on you Mum for not caving into what our doctors tell us is the only answer for eczema. I'm in Month 4 of my TSW and it has been a hell ride. It's such a tough process to go through, so hard to watch your child go through it I'd imagine. It's appalling that the medical professionals can get away with prescribing this poison'!!
