Stop topical steroid abuse!

Monday, September 17, 2012

klines visit to the hot springs!

Kline is 29 weeks off steroids and we ventured out big time. We went to the hot spring near our home, about 45 minutes away. It was hard to talk my hubby into going, as we are so worried about flares and not being able to get to the tubby!!!!  But I talked him into it and we went. He flared on the way there, not fun. But we got there! This is the farthest we have gone from the house since April 30th when we got back from LA when we went to see Dr. Rapaport.

We get to the spring and get to the pool, now I have to mention it is a clothing optional facilities, so lots of shlongs blowing in the wind and boobies bouncing! ;-) Kline gets to the pool with lots of nakie people and the first thing he says is......

" there are lots of funny noodles at this pool!"

Well, Denny and I just started laughing , there were some very funny noodles at the pool, one of which was pierced!! But our son was actually talking about the floatie pool noodles. Not the peenee's!  But it was great to laugh! Thanks Kline!

He is still having a pretty hard time and I think we will visit the hot spring more in the future to hopefully speed up the healing!!! A lot of his skin feels like sand paper!  His neck keeps oozing but he is having a few breaks here and there!  Fingers crossed for more healing!

So, keep you funny noodles floating!
Xoxoxo Loren

1 comment:

  1. I get a kick out of Kline's matter of fact talk! What is in the hot springs Loren? Peter's wife went to some in Japan and cleared up after a week of it, but she did flare again and had months of calm and is now flaring on her face in her 18th month? I think that is part of the big grand finale or something.
