Kline's skin while on topical steroids..pictures below |
Well, here we are 2 yrs, 24 months, 104 weeks and 730 days off of topical steroids. I thought by now Kline would be itch free. Maybe not eczema free, but the insane itchy bastard free! But, he is flaring again...oozing even in some spots. His feet are still a Huge challenge and they are the itchiest part of all of his body.
It seems like our life has always been like this at this point. It's hard to remember a time that skin and itch did not consumer our whole family life.
Emotionally, this month has been challenging for me because I was really thinking deep down that this would be over by now.
Sure, he is 85% better than 2 yrs ago or even when he was on the steroids, but come on!!! The poor kid has suffered enough! Time to move on itchy bastard!!
As Kline says, " Mom, the itchy monster is a real asshole!"
Yeah, I know he shouldn't be cussing but he is freaking right! The itchy bastard is the biggest asshole I have ever met!
So farewell mother fucker....get out of our home and leave my baby alone for once and for all!!!
Kline pictures during topical steroid withdrawal, he used steroids for + years for eczema.
Month one of no steroids |
month 2 off steroids pictures |
Month 4-6 off topical steroids, Kline's bloody pj's |
Months 6-12 off topical steroids |
this was sunburn on his shoulders, be careful in the sun!! |
KLine's first boil |
KLine's only skin infection...make sure you use apple cider vinegar in the bath!!! |
Polar bear club!! |
the damn neck! |
Itchy bastard go away!! |
one year off topical steroids |
1 and 1/2 years off topical steroids |
an itchy flare...they can last for 10 minutes to 2 hours still and then the skin goes pale again |
klines feet now at 2 years are his worst part too..he never had eczema on his feet before tsa! |
2 years off topical steroids ...prescribed heavily for 2 years for eczema!! |