Stop topical steroid abuse!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

10.5 months off steroids


  1. Love you so much! Kline is healing even if slowly. Mar and Dad

  2. Hi Loren,

    I am getting so much inspiration from your blog. Glad to see that Kline has been improving slowly, but surely. You have been a great mother!

    My 6 year old boy is going through the same and this journey has been really tough.

    We are almost 6 months along, but it has been a downhill journey so far. Not sure when can I see some light at the end of the journey.

    When did Kline start to see improvements? Would really appreciate your advice please.

    1. Hi! What do you want to know.....congrats on 6 months! That is amazing!!! Kline skin didn't start to look better till months 5 or 6 and only when he started his long baths. He is still insanely itchy which they say is the last to go! He is getting more breaks but still spends a good amount of time in the bath. He probably takes 3-5 baths a day, if he gets out at all. I use medicine mama's sweet bee magic on his feet..but really nothing else on the rest of him. Apple coder or epsoms in bath to help ward of infections. And he eats Popsicles all day they seem to help him cool the flares from the inside out. Ice packs helps too.

    2. Have you gone to's the red skin non profit there is a google support group and teleconferences from the dr Rapaport ....very informative!! Let me know if you have any other ???? Xoxoxo hang in there! It is a terrible ride, but I do believe it will be worth it!!! Xoxoxox Loren

  3. My heart goes to you your boy. He's so cute and lovely. I suffer from eczema myself and trying ayurveda treatment. Doing detox with herbs. Read more about Ayurveda on internet, you might try it along with your current treatment, it has no side effects. I will pray for your boy. I am sure he will get rid of this very soon. Keep fighting mom..:)
